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Post By: asylumadmin

Mental health support to asylum seekers: what kind of support is most needed?

Imagine the (now nearly emptied) Calais “jungle” and mental healthcare services in one single sentence: your reaction would probably sound like “you wouldn’t know where to start”, for you are just a single person and Sisyphus was never your favourite character in epic poetry. But someone might decide to try, in spite of the hopelessness […]

Digital Humanitarianism: time to scale it up?

2015 and 2016 will probably be remembered as years fraught with astonishing technological innovations addressing the various needs of the refugee population arriving in the European Union. The flow of new avant-garde tools created by civil society organizations or individuals who are willing to provide some kind of help to asylum seekers and migrants, trying […]

“From Europe to local: Migrating Solidarity”

Very often, TVs and newspapers deal with asylum and migration as something that relates to the highly political spheres, such as national parliaments, governments and EU institutions. No doubt politicians at the European and national levels have the greatest say in the shaping of asylum and migration policies yet, for many other sectors, their implementation […]

The UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants and the New York Declaration: well-meaning intentions but what else?

  On Monday 19th September, world leaders convened in New York to attend a United Nations General Assembly, which specifically addressed large movements of refugees and migrants worldwide. The Summit for Refugees and Migrants was opened with the adoption of a declaration concerning migration and asylum that will be historically known as the New York […]

A year after the creation of the European Trust Fund for Africa – where are we at now?

  One of the main outcomes of the Valletta Summit which was held in November 2015 and which brought European and African leaders together to tackle the issue of migration from Africa was the implementation of a European Trust Fund for Africa (EUTFA). The Trust Fund would be an “innovative mechanism to pool large resources […]

Anti-migrant violence, hatred and sentiment in Europe in 2016

  Written by ENAR, the European Network Against Racism, member of the Asylum Corner Network On the occasion of World Refugee Day, ENAR is re-launching its interactive map of incidents of racist discourse and violence against migrants in EU Member States in 2016, including demeaning speeches by politicians, violence, anti-migrant demonstrations, and discriminatory practices by […]

What will it be like without the volunteers? The case of Soup and Socks in Greece’s refugee camps

  If you often wonder how so many people can survive without starving in the makeshift camps of asylum seekers in Greece, the answer is usually “volunteers”. Despite the very limited media coverage, a gigantic solidarity machine is wandering around across Europe. Some people reach Greece on their own and stop where there’s more need, solely relying […]

Manufacturing fashion: an opportunity for asylum-seekers

This year, the European Development Days 2016 that will take place in Brussels on June 15th and 16th will pay particular attention to migration dynamics and the reception and integration of asylum seekers in the European Countries. Within this framework, the International Trade Centre’s Ethical Fashion Initiative (EFI) and the Italian cooperative society Lai-momo will […]

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