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Post By: asylumadmin

“On the migration issue, Member States are hiding behind each other’s back”. An interview with Malin Björk

  Malin Björk has been a Swedish Member of the European Parliament since 2014. She belongs to the European United Left/Nordic Green Left parliamentary group and is a very active member of the Civil Liberty, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE) in Parliament. A few months ago she featured in many newspaper articles for successfully […]

“Securitization is not the answer, it’s largely part of the problem.” A chat with Pamela DeLargy, Special Advisor on migration at the UN

Pamela DeLargy is currently the Special Advisor for the UN Special Representative on Migration, Peter Sutherland, and has previously worked as Representative for the UN Population Fund in Sudan. Asylum Corner met her to discuss the general situation of migration in Europe and the latest developments of the EU migration policy. Asylum Corner: What is […]

Asylos – Filling the gap in the Country of Origin Information system

  Country of Origin Information reports are a great support for the legal experts, both lawyers and judges, dealing with asylum seekers applications – but in several cases they are not sufficient to prove and assess the truthfulness of specific claims. What happens if, for example, a Nigerian martial arts champion seeks refuge abroad because […]

Rule by fear: a bloody snapshot from Eritrea

With a population of 416,857 (of an estimated population of 6.3 million) fleeing their country in 2014 in search of international protection, Eritrea has been awarded notorious membership of the cluster of states sending out the highest number of asylum seekers throughout the world (UNHCR data). However, the Eritrean diaspora was only granted the importance […]

Guardianship for unaccompanied minors in the Netherlands: the role of Nidos

Political framework and general context In the Netherlands guardianship is arranged by a specific organization, Nidos, which is responsible for all unaccompanied minor asylum seekers (UMA). Nidos is an NGO, financed by the Ministry of Justice, with an independent board. At the beginning of the nineties, the Dutch Ministry of Justice appointed Nidos as a […]

Beyond the wall: Solidarity with migrants in Hungary

The voice of Migszol rises like a spark of solidarity in the night of the political and social xenophobic trends that Hungary is experiencing these days. As clearly defined in their Mission Statement, the purpose of this informal but steady gathering of Hungarians, migrants and refugees is to “advocate the realization of political and social […]

The cost of asylum seekers’ reception: Know the figures to avoid political manipulation

“Most boats and dinghies shipping migrants through the central Mediterranean Sea land on the Italian shores. The first and second reception of these people fleeing from distressing and perilous situations is mostly burdened by the Italian State, causing a conspicuous and unbearable draining of financial resources that could be used elsewhere for the Italians”. These […]

Greece today: not only crisis

  The Greek Forum of Refugees (GFR) is a network of refugee communities in Athens, Greece. It was founded in 2010 by the Afghan Community in Greece, the Sudanese Refugees Association in Greece, the Somali Community in Greece and the Greek Forum of Migrants. GFR strives for equality, integration and participation of refugees in Greek […]

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