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Post By: asylumadmin

Bringing the voices of the refugees to Brussels: the work of the Jesuit Refugee Service Europe

Since 1980 the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) has worked on the dual commitment of providing relief to refugees all over the world and advocating for the improvement of their conditions. Working with more than 50 national divisions and 10 regional offices worldwide, the JRS represents one of the most widely spread and active confessional players […]

Integrating refugees in the Dutch society: the role of Humanitas

  With a population of around 16,8 million, in 2014 the Netherlands received 24.495 asylum applications and approved 18.900 of them. We interviewed Mr. Anes Rustempasic, project coordinator of the Dutch organization Humanitas in the city of Groeningen, about the integration process that follows the granting of asylum permits in the Netherlands. Founded in 1945, Humanitas […]

Fedasil Reception House in Rixensart (Belgium): A history of integration

  Rixensart is a small town of around 20,000 inhabitants in the prosperous Belgian province of Walloon Brabant. The town hosts one of the seventeen Refugees’ Reception Houses managed by Fedasil (the Belgian National Agency for Asylum Seekers), which currently represents a shelter for around 100 migrants coming from very different areas of the world. […]

Social innovation for refugees: a successful story

  Social innovation can be a breakthrough in the development of projects devoted to helping refugees. Until now, one of the most brilliant examples of what the implementation of business-like techniques can do to foster social work is the service provided by REFUNITE. REFUNITE is a non-profit technology based organization founded more than five years […]

Citizens hosting refugees in Air B&B style: a new challenging solution?

  A few weeks ago, many European newspapers reported the interesting story of three young Germans who started a communication project in Berlin based on the pattern of the internationally famous Air B&B, but this time with the great innovation of involving refugees. Since its beginning, the project has achieved great success. Called Refugees Welcome, […]

The voice of the European Parliament on Migration: An interview with the MEP Cécile Kyenge

  Asylum Corner: As co-rapporteur of the Initiative Report for Migrations in the Mediterranean Sea at the European Parliament, what do you think about the 10 points plan presented by Commissioner Avramopoulos during the Foreign Affairs Ministries meeting in Luxembourg last April? Cécile Kyenge: It is important to point out that Commissioner Avramopoulos’ agenda looks […]

The European Asylum Support Office: a dialogue with the Spokesperson Jean-Pierre Schembri

  Following our first article on the structure and main tasks of the European Asylum Support Office, we interviewed Jean-Pierre Schembri, Spokesperson of the EASO, to satisfy our and many other people’s interest. Asylum Corner: Due to the primary importance of asylum issues in today’s European politics, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) keeps strengthening […]

Legal Entry Channels for asylum seekers to be boosted according to FRA Report

  The deaths of migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea have reached record numbers in 2014, topping 3.000 casualties during the year. In order to address this calamitous situation, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has recently issued an easy-to-read toolbox dealing with the need to find new institutional and legal instruments, and boost […]

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