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Post By: asylumadmin
EASO — short for European Asylum Support Office — is the agency of the European Union based in La Valletta, Malta, and is in charge of researching and assisting the Member States in dealing with the massive influx of asylum seekers that reach European soil every day. Despite its very central role within the […]
Last March, Syria entered the fifth year of the conflict that has been relentlessly tearing the whole country apart. With some four million refugees outside the Syrian borders the “Syrian Refugee Crisis” is becoming a more and more compelling issue to tackle. In spite of the continuous evolution of the conflict, which does not […]
Country of Origin Information (COI) reports are fundamental tools for processing asylum requests and working every day with asylum seekers. In this first article of the COI section we will provide an overview of the security situation in Afghanistan based on the last EASO’s report issued in January 2015. With 122.790 asylum applications, Afghans […]
“We must work on the institution of an International Opinion Tribunal for the new desaparecidos of the Mediterranean Sea”. This is the provocative call made by Enrico Calamai, former Italian vice-consul in Chile and Argentina during the dictatorship and, today, front-line activist in the field of migrants’ rights and awareness raising for the victims […]
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