
InfoMigrants, reliable news for migrants

  • 11 Aprile 2017

How and where can migrants willing to come to Europe get objective and verified information about transit and final destination countries? This question would have gone unanswered until just a few days ago. But a long overdue media tool for migrants has finally become reality thanks to three major media actors in Europe. Italian press […]

What will it be like without the volunteers? The case of Soup and Socks in Greece’s refugee camps

  • 15 Giugno 2016

  If you often wonder how so many people can survive without starving in the makeshift camps of asylum seekers in Greece, the answer is usually “volunteers”. Despite the very limited media coverage, a gigantic solidarity machine is wandering around across Europe. Some people reach Greece on their own and stop where there’s more need, solely relying […]

The EU Agenda on Migration: a debate on the current situation and future developments

  • 22 Aprile 2016

On May 4th, the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna, in collaboration with the association ‘Asilo in Europa’, will hold a public meeting which aims to discuss the current difficult situation on migration and potential future developments. “Migrants and refugees: conflicts, borders, hotspots and relocations. The current situation and future developments” is the subtitle to the public […]