#social integration

What will it be like without the volunteers? The case of Soup and Socks in Greece’s refugee camps

  • 15 Giugno 2016

  If you often wonder how so many people can survive without starving in the makeshift camps of asylum seekers in Greece, the answer is usually “volunteers”. Despite the very limited media coverage, a gigantic solidarity machine is wandering around across Europe. Some people reach Greece on their own and stop where there’s more need, solely relying […]

Manufacturing fashion: an opportunity for asylum-seekers

  • 8 Giugno 2016

This year, the European Development Days 2016 that will take place in Brussels on June 15th and 16th will pay particular attention to migration dynamics and the reception and integration of asylum seekers in the European Countries. Within this framework, the International Trade Centre’s Ethical Fashion Initiative (EFI) and the Italian cooperative society Lai-momo will […]

The EU Agenda on Migration: a debate on the current situation and future developments

  • 22 Aprile 2016

On May 4th, the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna, in collaboration with the association ‘Asilo in Europa’, will hold a public meeting which aims to discuss the current difficult situation on migration and potential future developments. “Migrants and refugees: conflicts, borders, hotspots and relocations. The current situation and future developments” is the subtitle to the public […]

Summer School on Forced Migration and Asylum:
a Multidisciplinary Approach.
11-16 July 2016 BOLOGNA (IT)

  • 15 Aprile 2016

Why participate? The Summer School, which received the support of several partners involved in the field of asylum and integration, will form a deep analysis of some fundamental issues associated with the current forced migration phenomenon paying specific attention to the importance of a methodological approach directed towards praxis. Geopolitics of forced migration, European policies […]

Muslims in Europe: Questions and Answers

  • 24 Marzo 2016

Written by ENAR, the European Network Against Racism, member of the Asylum Corner Network As anti-Muslim manifestations increase in Europe, particularly in the aftermath of the dreadful Paris and Brussels attacks, we clarify some misconceptions and answer some of the most frequent questions about Muslims in Europe. Q: Who are Muslim Europeans? Muslims have been […]

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